We need your help to stop the Uinta Basin Railway!
This railway will affect many people along its route and beyond. Local actions matter to build opposition to this disastrous project. Here are some ways you can take part:
1. Sign the letter to Secretary Vilsack demanding that he revoke the permits for the Uinta Basin Railway.
2. Contact your local, state, and federal elected officials. Many city councils and county commissions do not know about this project. Make sure they're aware so they can state their opposition. You can find out who your legislators are here.
3. Plan an event or action to show your community's opposition to the Uinta Basin Railway. Check out our Action Planning Guide for event ideas, social media samples, and more!
If these options don't work for you, then sign up here to tell us you’re generally interested in supporting this campaign. We will let you know how you can help out in the future.